Elevated levels of heavy metals may be from fracking in Texas | Health | tylerpaper.com

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington say there are elevated levels of arsenic and other heavy metals close to natural gas extraction sites in the Barnett Shale area of North Texas, according to a news release from the school Friday.

Source: Elevated levels of heavy metals may be from fracking in Texas | Health | tylerpaper.com

Revisiting the first OpenET Applications Conference: how satellite-based data is transforming water, farm, and forest management – On the Water Front

This spring, hundreds of scientists, engineers, water managers, farmers and ranchers gathered in New Mexico to share and learn about how OpenET data is being used to advance water resources management. OpenET has radically improved access to data on evapotranspiration (ET) — or how much water plants

Source: Revisiting the first OpenET Applications Conference: how satellite-based data is transforming water, farm, and forest management – On the Water Front