Conservation News

Darby Denounces Character Assassination Over Potty Water

State Rep. Drew Darby had scolding words for the person or group who mailed an anonymous form letter to residents of San Angelo attacking Councilwomen Elizabeth Grindstaff and Charlotte Farmer. Darby spoke to the San Angelo Rotary Club Friday at noon. He pulled the letter he received in the mail from his coat jacket and held it up. He didn?t pull any punches. ?The purpose of the letter is to say, ?vote them out of office? [about] Elizabeth Grindstaff and Charlotte Farmer,? Darby said.

Source: Darby Denounces Character Assassination Over Potty Water

Texas Draft 2017 Draft Water Plan Out for Comments — Environmental Protection

“The plan underscores the importance of implementing the projects in the state water plan. Without those projects in place, Texas will face an 8.9 million acre-foot shortage of water in 2070 in a drought and economic losses of approximately $151 billion by 2070,” said Peter Lake, a member of the Texas Water Development Board.

Source: Texas Draft 2017 Draft Water Plan Out for Comments — Environmental Protection

Mexico pays off water debt to Texas – Houston Chronicle

At a time when much of the political conversation in Texas centers on whether Mexico can be made to pay for a border wall, Texas’ southern neighbor has repaid a longstanding debt — in water. Officials said Monday that Mexico has paid off its water debt to Texas, achieving compliance with a 1944 treaty for the first time in five years on water in the Rio Grande.

Source: Mexico pays off water debt to Texas – Houston Chronicle