Conservation News

Creighton introduces bill for election of LSGCD board members – San Antonio Express-News

Conroe state lawmaker Brandon Creighton is joining a push to have what backers say would make members of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District more accountable to the public. According to Creighton, 85 percent of the 99 single-county groundwater districts in the state are staffed with board members who are elected instead of appointed. According to the district’s website, it works both sides of what it terms a “tricky” application to ensure that the amount of groundwater that is pumped does not exceed the amount of water that is replenished.

Source: Creighton introduces bill for election of LSGCD board members – San Antonio Express-News

GUEST VIEW: If we fail to plan, we?re planning to fail – Odessa American: Guest Columns

The State of Texas, along with local entities, including municipalities and groundwater districts, need to work together to ensure we have the water we need for future generations of Texans. The drought of 2011, the worst one-year drought in Texas history, resulted in towns literally running out of water. We can?t accept this as a way of life in our great state.

Source: GUEST VIEW: If we fail to plan, we?re planning to fail – Odessa American: Guest Columns

Supreme Court Special Master Recommends Denial Of Florida Water Rights Complaint Against Georgia – Energy and Natural Resources – United States

Florida and Georgia have been fighting for decades about flows in the Apalachicola, Chattahoochee and Flint River Basin (ACF Basin) that provide drinking water for the City of Atlanta… United States Energy and Natural Resources Holland & Knight 7 Mar 2017

Source: Supreme Court Special Master Recommends Denial Of Florida Water Rights Complaint Against Georgia – Energy and Natural Resources – United States