Conservation News

Shale 3.0, a gassy Pioneer, and wastewater woes at Balmorhea | Houston Chronicle | 12-29-17

Shale 1.0 – in which a technological marvel that coupled horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing revolutionized American oil production and opened vast underground reservoirs to production. Shale 2.0 – in which the plunge of oil prices three years ago taught oil companies how to use data to streamline operations, lower costs and still make money.

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Big Spring vs. Big Oil | Texas Observer | 12-11-17

In the heart of the West Texas oil patch, a new fracking frenzy is putting a strain on groundwater.


Charles Phillips was in his pasture one day last year when he heard the sound. At 85, Phillips doesn?t hear as well as he used to, but he had no problem picking up the unmistakable squeal of a drill boring through rock.?That?s odd, he thought.?Why would my neighbor be drilling a water well?

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Opponents: Proposed quarry near Florence threatens water supply | AAS | 12-5-17

Kambrah Garland Rodriguez stood in the middle of 35 acres of grapevines on a recent afternoon and pointed west to a hill on the outskirts of Florence. That is where an asphalt plant and quarry is proposed to be built, said Rodriguez, one of the owners and partners in a winery called the Vineyard at Florence. The plant has drawn intense opposition from neighbors and officials who say it would use too much water and cause other wells in the area that draw from the Trinity Aquifer to run dry, including the well at the winery.

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