Conservation News

Bastrop County District Court Judge signs final judgement | 1-4-18

Bastrop County District Court signs final judgement in the Andrew Meyer, Bette Brown, Darwyn Hanna, Individuals, and Environmental Stewardship v. Lost Pines GCD case on January 4, 2018. The decision orders Lost Pines GCD to reverse its decision to deny the Plaintiff party status, and subsequently orders a reversal of the permit issued to End Op in 2016. Read the final judgement?here.?

At War Over Water, Texas And New Mexico Will Face Off Next Week At The Supreme Court | Texas Standard | January 2, 2018

As the state?s population booms, water ? or the lack of it ? is becoming an increasing problem in west Texas. Each drop is precious. On January 8, Texas and New Mexico are headed to the Supreme Court to give their oral arguments in a dispute over an 80-year-old compact involving water from the Rio Grande. Texas claims New Mexico hasn?t been handing over the state?s allocated share of water, leaving its residents and their pecan trees high and dry.

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