Conservation News

Party status granted in LCRA case – Elgin Courier: News

On Wednesday, a number of landowners, water companies and others gathered in the Bastrop Convention & Exhibit Center to request a contested hearing in the case against the Lower Colorado River Authority?s (LCRA) permit to drill wells in Bastrop County during a preliminary hearing held by the Texas State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH).

Source: Party status granted in LCRA case – Elgin Courier: News

LCRA changes tack in Bastrop County groundwater permit request

The controversy over Bastrop County groundwater pumping was at the center of discussions Wednesday morning between Lower Colorado River Authority executives and the Sunset Advisory Commission.During those discussions ? which advanced the commission?s lengthy review process of the LCRA ? the river authority?s general manager Phil Wilson made a public commitment to dedicate the groundwater sought from a possible well field in Bastrop County to water users only within

Source: LCRA changes tack in Bastrop County groundwater permit request

SUPREME COURT: Groundwater’s muddy legal history under the Clean Water Act — Tuesday, December 4, 2018 —

The Supreme Court has signaled its interest in a potentially game-changing debate over the scope of the Clean Water Act and whether it applies to pollutants that travel through groundwater. If accepted, it could be the biggest environmental issue on the docket this term.

Source: SUPREME COURT: Groundwater’s muddy legal history under the Clean Water Act — Tuesday, December 4, 2018 —

Clean Water Act Application to Groundwater: Keeping Score – Texas Agriculture Law

A major issue with regard to the scope of the Clean Water Act is popping up in courtrooms across the United States.? Are point source discharges into groundwater, that eventually reach a ?water of the United States?, within the scope of the Clean Water Act?s jurisdiction?? This issue is growing and has been decided differently by courts across the country.? The legal question is teed up and could potentially reach the United States Supreme Court next year.? Let?s take a look at this issue and the results from… Read More ?

Source: Clean Water Act Application to Groundwater: Keeping Score – Texas Agriculture Law