Conservation News

TX Attorney General Opinion: Groundwater Conservation District Cannot Limit Definition of Agriculture – Texas Agriculture Law

Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, recently issued an opinion regarding the ability of a Texas Groundwater Conservation District to limit the definition of “agricultural crop” under its rules. [Read full opinion here.]  Although not binding on a court, this opinion could potentially impact GCDs and producers around the state. Background Senator Bob Hall, Chair of the Texas Senate Committee on Agriculture requested an opinion from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on an interesting legal question.  Specifically, Senator Hall wanted to know how the Attorney General thought a court… Read More →

Source: TX Attorney General Opinion: Groundwater Conservation District Cannot Limit Definition of Agriculture – Texas Agriculture Law

Producers, researchers exploring ways to conserve Ogallala Aquifer – News – Lubbock Avalanche-Journal – Lubbock, TX

The Ogallala Aquifer has been relied on by communities in eight states for agriculture, drinking water and industry uses since at least 1889. As the water levels have steadily declined, however, there is now a race against the clock to make it sustainable again.The High Plains Underground Water Conservation District estimates that there are around 60,000 wells throughout the 16 counties covered by the district. The number has increased over time to meet the needs and demands of the communities,

Source: Producers, researchers exploring ways to conserve Ogallala Aquifer – News – Lubbock Avalanche-Journal – Lubbock, TX

Caprock Chronicles: The Ogallala Aquifer’s long history, uncertain future – News – Amarillo Globe-News – Amarillo, TX

Editor’s Note: Caprock Chronicles is edited each week by Jack Becker, a librarian at Texas Tech University. This week’s essay, by Paul Carlson, emeritus professor of history at Tech, looks at the Ogallala Aquifer, the enormous underground water supply that under lies much of Great Plains. The Ogallala Aquifer is a large underground reservoir that extends 800 miles through the western High Plains; from the southern edge of South Dakota to the Llano Estacado in Texas and New Mexico,

Source: Caprock Chronicles: The Ogallala Aquifer’s long history, uncertain future – News – Amarillo Globe-News – Amarillo, TX